Lab News
- July 2024: The group's recent Chem. Comm. publication has been highlighted in their blog ( Check it out to learn more about research in the Marczenko lab and what we hope to accomplish over the next few years!
- June 2024: Kate, Victoria, and James, are attending the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2024) in Winnipeg this year. Kate's talk is Monday at 10:40am in Room 2G East. Victoria and James will be presenting posters during the Tuesday evening poster session.
Update: Presentations are complete!
- May/June 204: James attended the 15th Canadian Chemical Crystallography Workshop in Winnipeg, MB.
- May 2024: James and Victoria did a great job presenting their research at OCCI (Ottawa Carleton Chemistry Institute) day. Victoria was awarded one of the prizes for best talk. Congratulations!
- April 2024: Congratulations to Marshall and Jerry on excellent poster presentations of their I-CUREUS (Marshall) and Honours (Jerry) research!
- Jan-April 2024: There was lots of great new this semester when it comes to awards and scholarships!
- Congratulations to James and Victoria for winning the Fluorosense Inc. Scholarship.
- Congratulations to Adriana, who was awarded an NSERC USRA to conduct research through the McGill Biomedical Research Accelerator (MBRA) summer program this summer.
- Kate was awarded funding through a CU Research Development Grant, NSERC DG, and NRC New Beginnings Initiative.
- December 2023: The Marczenko Lab celebrates the holidays with pizza in Little Italy.
- September 2023: The Marczenko Lab welcomes James, Jerry, and Marshall to the lab! James is our first M.Sc. student, Jerry is our first Honors project student, and Marshall is our first I-CUREUS project student. We are all very exciting for the upcoming semester. Update: We also welcome Adrianna to the lab, who is our second I-CUREUS project student.
- June 2023: James and Victoria came to visit the new lab, and the Marczenko lab and Barry lab had their first joint social.
- Kate starts at Carleton University on June 1, 2023. We are hiring motivated students for start dates within the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years.
- Kate will be teaching at the 14th Canadian Chemical Crystallography Workshop (CCCW23) in Vancouver from May 30-June 3. More information is available here:
- She will also be attending the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2023) in Vancouver from June 4-9. If you see her, please say hi!